DfE free vacancies service –
Please find below our current vacancies at Saltash Community School. Vacancies across all SMART schools and the SMART TSS can be found via the following link: smart-trust | Vacancies
All Saltash Community School job posts can be found or applied for via eteach, for more information visit:
Our Vacancies
Examinations Invigilator
Saltash Community School
Saltash Community School is seeking a number of examination invigilators to support our existing team. You will be working on a casual basis during the exam seasons from May-June, plus during the mock seasons. This is both part time and flexible and may work with your current obligations and responsibilities. This role welcomes candidates from any sector or experience who believe they can support our young people at an extremely important time in their school life. If you feel you can offer the right level of supervision, together with the ability to listen and be understanding, then please do consider this rewarding role.